


根据 U.S. News & 世界报告 “2019年美国最佳大学”排名, 该学院是排名第三的公立学校, 全国排名第六的本科工程专业和排名第七的电气/电子/通信专业. 学院毕业生赢得了令人印象深刻的罗德奖学金, 杜鲁门奖学金, 国家科学基金会奖学金和其他重大竞争性奖项. 这些成就反映了学院学术课程的卓越性.


该学院有军事和文职教员. The military faculty (approximately 70 percent of our faculty) is composed primarily of Air Force officers with a few officers from the other branches of the U.S. 以联络身份服务的武装部队和盟国的军事力量. The civilian faculty (approximately 30 percent of our faculty) is composed of both government employees and visiting faculty. The civilian government employees are on renewable term appointments and hold all academic ranks as well as several administrative positions. 民间访问学者来自学术机构, government agencies and business corporations and are assigned to academic departments for one or two years. 和其他高等院校一样, 教师按学术部门和院系组织. 学院院长和所有终身教授职位都是依法设立的.


The average class is small—15 to 20 students—which allows the instructor to establish a rapport with each cadet and to recognize a student’s strengths and weaknesses. 教师在可能的情况下采用研讨会的方式进行教学,并尽量减少讲课. 鼓励教师互动和以学习为中心. 学员们应该准备他们的课程,并参与课堂活动.


几年来, the Princeton Review has consistently ranked the USAF Academy in the top two percent in the category of “Professors Make Themselves Available.“美国的教官们.S. 欧洲杯买球app平台的办公时间为周一至周五早上7:30.m.–4:30 p.m. 除非在教学或会议中,教师可以提供额外的指导. 此外,大多数老师会提供一个联系电话,供课后提问. Some of the 基础科学 and 工程 core classes (such as chemistry and physics) will have extra instruction rooms where cadets can walk in and receive help from an instructor during any class period. Our instructors are committed to the education of cadets and do their best to not only teach the course material but also to help our cadets grow as leaders. 许多教师会讨论他们在以前的作业中遇到的困境, 空军工作的利弊, and are always willing to discuss issues going on within the cadet wing to help cadets see the “big picture.” Our instructors know they play a vital role in the shaping of our cadets and they take their jobs seriously. 其结果是,美国.S. 欧洲杯买球app平台不使用研究生或助教(TAs). 我们的军事教官在他们的研究领域至少有硕士学位, 几乎所有的教官都有博士学位.D.S在各自的领域.


在完成基本学员训练(BCT)并被接纳进入学员联队后, 你将被安排在8月初的学年开始时上课. 一年分为两个学期, 每个课程包含大约17周的教学时间,并安排假期和休假时间.


该学院的课程结构要求每上课一小时有两小时的家庭作业/学习. 学员必须在全天的自由时间学习, 在学习期间,为了取得成功,每天晚上和周末都要打电话到宿舍. 小班制鼓励教师与学生建立一对一的学习关系. 学员也有机会在办公时间直接从教师那里获得额外的指导. 学员可以在自己的房间里学习, 在宿舍的自习室里, 在图书馆和学术大楼的空房间里, 仙童大厅.


学院图书馆,拥有藏书1万余册.500万件, 支持学术研究, research and recreational needs of all cadets and faculty members and includes one of the most outstanding aeronautical collections in the nation. 图书馆的其他有用的特点是最新的期刊和报纸馆藏, 缩微过程集合, 访问大量的在线数据库和其他资源, 还有放音乐和叙事唱片和磁带的试听室. 可容纳1人,300个读者, 图书馆有开放的书库,以便全面查阅资料.


该学院要求所有学员学习一门核心课程. 这个核心课程涵盖了广泛的人文学科课程, 社会科学, 工程, 基础科学, 体育与军事战略研究. The Academy’s academic core curriculum consists of 32 core courses at three semester hours each and five semester hours of physical education courses for a total of 101 semester hours. 学员可以在学院目前提供的众多专业中选择一个进一步专业化. 这些专业要求使毕业的总学时达到140-147个, 这取决于你选择的专业.


绝对. 学员由学术指导 Advisors 谁会讨论与空军职业领域和机会相关的学术专业. 另外, 主要是晚上, 每学期开始时举行的活动, 为未申报专业的学员提供更多了解各专业的机会. Faculty and cadets from every academic department and major are available to discuss their course offerings and potential program benefits. 选好专业后,你会被分配到一个院系 advisor 来自学术部门,他们将帮助你选择课程, 课程表及其他学术事宜.


当你进入学院的时候, 你将参加由不同学术部门提供的几项验证测试. We accept scores of 4 and 5 on some AP exams and scores of 5/6/7 on some IB exams in conjunction with core course placement exams that you will take during Basic Cadet Training. AP成绩为3分将在个人基础上进行审查. 如果你在其他学院或大学就读,学院可能会授予转学分. 无论总转移和/或验证学分如何, a cadet must earn 131 semester hours in residence and must spend four years in residence at the Academy for graduation. 作为高中课程一部分的大学课程将不被视为转学分. 在所有情况下, individual academic departments determine whether or not to award credit for AP and IB exams and previous college courses.


有很多选修课, 获得转学或验证学分的学员可以替代选修课, 包括那些特定课程的指导独立学习和研究项目. 平均绩点(GPA)高的学员在大多数学期也可能超负荷, 允许他们修读其他非指定课程. 每一个学员, however, 必须在学院待四年, 不管你获得了多少额外的课程学分. 每一个学员 must also take a certain number of classes each semester—usually six academic courses (except for fourth-class cadets who only take five courses their first semester).


这一学年必修几门军事课程. The Commissioning Education Program (CEP) is offered twice weekly on varying military lessons required by all commissioning sources. These lessons are automatically included in the schedule during the week and do not require special selection by cadets. There are end-of-semester tests on CEP that cadets are required to pass and are factored in as part of their Military Performance Averages (MPAs).


A computerized grading system enables instructors to keep a continuous evaluation of each cadet’s performance on quizzes, 考试, 家庭作业和课堂背诵. 进度成绩报告在学期中公布, 期末成绩报告在学期结束时发布. 大多数课程以字母等级(A)来评分, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, F)平均成绩相等(4).0, 3.7, 3.3, 3.0, 2.7, 2.3, 2.0, 1.7, 1.0, 0). An incomplete (I) grade is given to a cadet who does not complete the academic requirements because of incapacity, 紧急或未能完成一项重要任务. 有些课程分为及格/不及格,对平均成绩没有影响.


Yes, 所有指导的学院人员, 监督或指导学员提交每个学员的军事表现评估. 这些输入用于创建军事绩效平均值(MPA),类似于学术GPA. 成绩低于2级的学员.0 MPA will meet a Military Review Committee (MRC)—similar to an Academic Review Committee—which reviews academic deficiencies. MRC可能会对学员进行能力测试, 提出纠正措施或向指挥官或学院董事会提出建议. 也有客观的军事绩效评估,如房间检查.


在学院学习很辛苦. Many cadets who have not yet developed a strong work ethic or efficient time management skills will struggle academically. 学业成功策略课程, 定量推理/晚间辅导中心, 写作中心, the Reading Enhancement Program and academic advising programs are all available to guide cadets toward academic excellence. 获得F或sub 2分的学员.0个学期,核心或累积绩点将被留校察看. 见习学员在每学期结束时接受审查,并可能被除名. 见习学员受到密切监督,并参加以提高职业道德为重点的必要咨询, planning, 计划和学习技能. 教师随时可以提供额外指导(EI). 学员辅导也是一个很好的资源.


如果学员的成绩报告中有一个或多个“F”或“I”的成绩,则学员被认为在学业上有欠缺, 或者如果累积, 核心或最近一学期的GPA低于2分.0. 如果专业平均成绩低于2分,也属于一等学员.0. 在期中考试, most deficient cadets will be placed on academic probation and will be reviewed by an Academic Review Committee (ARC) to determine their potential to succeed academically. 此外,见习学员将被分配一定的周末学习时间. 在学期结束时,如果严重不足,学员的记录将被审查. The board may recommend either dismissal of the cadet or continuation on academic probation with appropriate remedial actions. 董事会还可以直接参与该学院的夏季学术活动.


Approximately 50 of the top academically qualified cadets of each new class (based on their entering academic composite and fall progress GPA) will be identified shortly after their first progress report in the fall. They will be offered the opportunity to volunteer for participation in the program starting their second semester. 目标是让大约45名学员正式进入该项目. Cadets will be allowed to petition for admission after their second semester if there is space available in the program. Cadets who wish to take Academy Scholars Program courses but are not formally in the program may do so on a space-available basis with the approval of the Program Director. 如果学员的平均成绩低于3分,将被考虑退学.5. 另外, 任何形式的缓刑(荣誉), conduct, athletic or academic) restricts Scholars Program participation and participation in complementary opportunities.