


The six-week BCT program tests your mental and physical abilities and helps you make the transition from civilian to military life. 你会提高警觉性, 身体的耐力, 情绪稳定, 自力更生和个人首创精神. You’ll be subjected to rigorous discipline, attention to detail and punctuality. This training lays the foundation to become leaders of character—which is why you’re here.


BCT包括两个阶段, both administered by upper-class cadets with commissioned and noncommissioned officers serving as 顾问. The program is supervised by the Commandant of Cadets, who is an Air Force Brigadier General. The first phase of BCT (1st BCT or “First Beast”) takes place in the cadet area and is devoted to military orientation programs. Emphasis is placed on learning basic military skills and responsibilities, improving physical conditioning and adapting to teamwork through competitive sports. The second phase of BCT (2nd BCT or “Second Beast”) consists primarily of field training activities conducted at the Jacks Valley encampment site, 在学员区以北五英里处. You’ll march to the campsite, erect a tent city and live there for 18 days while in training. 这些活动拓展了你的军事取向, teach you weapons skills and develop your physical and mental confidence through challenging obstacles. This training demands the utmost in stamina, determination and resourcefulness. More specific information on BCT is contained in the brochure, “学院经历”,,我们会提供给被录取的候选人.


The cadet appointee kit includes specific instructions on physical preparation by the director of athletics. You should follow the instructions by establishing a daily aerobic workout of 30 minutes, 不要让自己过度劳累或紧张. The Cadet Fourth-Class Council has also prepared the following advice: “Looking back on how we could have better prepared ourselves for entrance to the Academy, 身体条件突出, 首先. The everyday strenuous conditioning activities can become discouraging and tiring if you’re not in shape. 如果你能完成每天30分钟的锻炼, which includes running at least two miles and performing the other aerobic activities, you should be prepared for the physical demands that will be placed upon you. 然而, if you have not met all of the recommended standards before arrival, you will have the opportunity to increase your physical abilities in order to keep pace with your classmates.” Blisters and tendonitis are experienced frequently by basic cadets. It is very important that your shoes and combat boots are properly fitted to provide comfort.

Do new cadets enter the BCT program immediately upon entering the Academy?

是的. 第一天是在处理, 包括服装问题, 房间和中队分配, 完成形式, 体检和宣誓就职仪式. You will be asked to take the Oath of Allegiance to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and to faithfully discharge your duties as a cadet. 如果你的父母和你一起来的话, they may want to stay for the public swearing-in ceremony on the second day.

Will I be tested on my physical condition when I enter the Academy?

是的. During the fifth week of BCT, two tests will be given to measure your physical fitness and endurance. 体能测试区域是引体向上, 俯卧撑, 仰卧起坐, 立定跳远和600码跑. 有氧运动测试得1分.5英里运行. 这些最初的测试衡量的是学员的基本体能, 但在BCT的过程中还有时间提高分数.  If a cadet’s scores are still too low upon entering the cadet wing at the conclusion of BCT, 有一些程序可以帮助提高考试成绩.

Why is it necessary for basic cadets to have their hair cut short?

Basic Cadet Training is the transition from civilian to military life. Part of that transition is the uniformity of hair standards for the basic cadets. BCT的严密性对个人卫生提出了很高的要求. The time allocated for personal hygiene needs to be maximized, and short hair helps. Women are not required to cut their hair as long as they are able to secure it in a manner that prevents it from falling in their faces, 遮挡视线或触摸衣领. 它必须始终保持整洁、专业的形象. The time requirement for a woman to get her hair within standards is two minutes. Following BCT, hair can be cut and styled in the cadet barber or beauty shops.

我听说初级军校学员被称为Doolies. 这是什么意思??

This is a term adopted by the Academy’s first cadet class, the Class of 1959, when they were in BCT. Doolie is a derivative of the Greek word “doulos,” which means “subject.” The colloquial term is used to refer to cadets in their freshman year by most graduates and outsiders, 但学员自己通常不使用它.


是的,但很少. 学员们早上5点15分起床.m.晚上11点前离开宿舍,上床睡觉.m. (龙头). 然而, sufficient time for relaxation is built into the daily schedule. Each evening there is time to shower and attend to personal hygiene. 除了, 时间充裕, 熄灯前的最后一次号声, 研究, 写信还是休息. Adequate time is allowed for sleep, meals, breaks and religious worship.


如果你遇到适应问题, you will be encouraged to seek assistance from counseling sources. Professionally trained officers at Peak Performance Center (PPC) are always available, as well as upper-class cadets designated for this purpose in each squadron.


The Acceptance Parade, with the entire cadet wing participating, marks the completion of BCT. You’ll receive your cadet shoulder boards and become a member of the cadet wing, 你可以对自己说, “做得好! The challenges stimulated me to achieve a goal and to perform beyond my own expectations!“下一个, you’ll enter the fourth-class academic year which extends through May, during which you will take a rigorous schedule of classes and live under the Officer Development System.